Ballyneal Golf Club

Holyoke, Colorado

Hundreds of Hours of Labor Savings Each Year

Jared Kalina is the Golf Course Superintendent for Ballyneal Golf Club in Holyoke, Colorado. 

A big challenge that golf courses in many parts of Colorado face is how to avoid deal with sandy soil.  

Before incorporating an Agri-Inject system into their irrigation, Jared’s team had to manually apply wetting agents by hand, which was an extremely labor-intensive job.

“Out here, we try to firm the turf up and dry it out as best we can. And when you do that, you’ll get a lot of hydrophobic situations that occur in our sandy soils. Top break that up, you need to apply some sort of wetting agent — some sort of carbon-based oil form that will help you get that water to penetrate a little easier and a little better.”

Overnight Success

Using an Agri-Inject Reflex® system, Kalina and his team can now ensure the turf stays healthy and hydrated without affecting course play or requiring intense manual labor.

“We’re talking about hundreds of hours of labor in these last two years being saved. The hoses just sit in the pumphouse curled up now because we have Agri-Inject to do the work for us. And we can rest assured overnight that the Agri-Inject system is applying at an even rate for us through our irrigation system.”

Setting up a custom system for complex golf course irrigation can be technical, and at first the technology can seem intimidating. But Agri-Inject world-class custom support helps make the process much simpler.

“I was shocked at how easy it was. You get a little intimidated at first, but after a ten minute setup, you’re breezing through it, really. Now we just click on the side of the box and off we go. Josh helped us through the setup process, really easily and quickly, and we were up and going within minutes.” 

“There have just been countless, countless advantages to it. We’re very happy with Agri-Inject.”